IPL Treatment For Skin Imperfections

When your skin shows signs of aging or imperfections from injury or environmental effects, it can cause wrinkles, scars, age spots, and discolorations. A non-invasive procedure, called IPL, can help give you the flawless skin you desire.

What Is IPL Treatment?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a procedure dermatologists use to treat different skin imperfections for aesthetic and therapeutic purposes. Facial redness, skin pigmentation, sun damage, and removing spider veins are just a few examples of what IPL can correct.

How Does IPL Help With Skin Imperfections?

IPL targets the following types of skin imperfections, with one type being the main focus of the treatment. IPL helps eliminate:

  • Sun damage
  • Spider veins
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Facial Redness
  • Rosacea
  • Vascular lesions (broken capillaries, blood vessels)
  • Skin texture imperfections
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

What Happens During IPL Treatment?

IPL uses an intense light with filters to block out particular wavelengths. The light energy passes through to beneath the surface of the skin, damaging the blood vessels or skin pigment. When IPL’s broad light spectrum is specially filtered, it allows IPL to treat several skin conditions at once.

First, a cooling gel is applied to the treatment area to protect the skin’s surface. The IPL device settings are adjusted to match your skin color and targeted conditions. A spot test is performed in a less visible place, usually near the jaw. After a few minutes, your doctor checks to see how your skin reacts. If there is no adverse reaction, the session proceeds.

Most people report that IPL is virtually painless. While undergoing the IPL photofacial procedure, you may feel a sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against your skin. Other sensations may feel like a mild electric shock around the nose and mouth area.

Your body’s natural ability to repair skin then removes damaged tissue. The result is smoother, more uniform looking skin. It may take three to six treatments for significant results to become noticeable, and treatment sessions are typically performed every three to four weeks. The number of sessions will depend on the extent of skin conditions you want to correct and how profound they are.

What Is the Difference Between IPL and Lasers?

IPL is much like laser treatments. All these technologies use light to heat and eliminate their targets. Lasers typically use a single wavelength or color of light that treats only one condition.

IPL works with a broad spectrum of light administered in quick pulses. Depending on the filtering used, IPL can treat several skin conditions. If you want to treat age spots and thread veins, for example, that’s two different laser treatments, but IPL combines it.

IPL Treatment Advantages Over Other Skin Treatments

  • The IPL wavelengths of light absorb excess red/brown skin pigment, restoring an even complexion.
  • IPL improves overall skin tone by triggering collagen production.
  • IPL is non-ablative which means no skin is taken off during treatment.
  • IPL comes with minimal to no recovery time.

Are There Any Risks or Symptoms of IPL Treatment?

One symptom of IPL treatment is that skin pigmentation may redden or darken initially. In less than a day, pigmented areas flake off, leaving flawless skin underneath. Many other skin imperfections, like birthmarks and age spots, can disappear within a matter of a few days. You may experience some redness and tenderness for the first 48 hours.

Rendon Center performs IPL treatments that can give you the flawless skin you desire. Our innovative technology solutions and experience provides superior, high quality skin care. Call (561) 750-0544 or fill out the form on this page today to schedule a consultation.

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